Getting Started
Choosing the Book of Memories for your memorialization brand is a decision that your firm will benefit significantly from. The brand is nationally known and sought-after by today’s connected consumers and we work to drive these searching consumers to your funeral home’s website where they can choose their funeral service provider, and access the Book of Memories tributes. Building a stunning memorial tribute website, printing beautiful funeral stationery pieces and creating stunning funeral DVD tribute is easy and takes just a few minutes. Simply fill out the information to create a ‘record’ within the system and the information will populate to the memorial tribute website, all funeral stationery, and funeral DVD tributes.
Getting started with the Book of Memories is incredibly easy. Our team of Success Coaches will walk you through a training session to show how to build Book of Memories tribute website and the family experiences that come with it. They’ll also show you how to print funeral stationery and burn funeral DVD tributes to ensure your staff are comfortable and excited about their new offerings.